Gift Flowers

Sympathy Flowers

Florist Specials

Occasions Flowers


Seasonal Flowers

+44 (0) 1484 844472

Same day local delivery available on orders before 2pm, Monday to Saturday

Mothers Day


Make Mother’s Day extra special by sending a beautiful gift of luxury flowers from Lily Blossom Florist. Whether you have a particular budget in mind, or you would like to surprise your mum by sending her favourite flowers, we have the perfect gift for you.

From timelessly classic bouquets or basket arrangements, through to hand-tied designs, we use only the freshest flowers. All of our Mother’s Day flowers are made and delivered by hand across Huddersfield and surrounding areas – including on Mothering Sunday itself – ensuring your mum receives only the very best. Whatever Mother’s Day present you decide to give this Mothering Sunday, send it with love and give the most influential woman in your life a day to remember.